BATSE Telemetry Features

Days with problems

The top table shows the truncated Julian date (TJD) for the days on which there were one or more problems with or changes to the BATSE telemetry. Click on any day of interest for an explanation. When a problem or change occurs over more than one day, each day is listed individually except for (i) the clock change which was made on TJD 8798, (ii) the calibration line change for SD 1 which occurred on TJD 10526, and (iii)the gain decay of detector 7 which started on TJD 10900. These three changes apply to data from the day on which they occur until the end of the mission (TJD+) or from the start of the mission until the day of the change (TJD-) and an explanation can be seen by clicking on the featured TJD. If a day has more than one problem or change, it will have alphabetic suffixes pointing to each explanation separately.

8366 8449 8458 8459 8460 8490 8603 8604 8605 8670 8741 8742 8798- 8807
8808 8809 8810 8812 8848 8849 8850 8851 9075 9076 9111 9114 9153 9167
9168 9357 9358 9440 9441 9447 9602 10014 10015 10016 10069 10070 10095 10096
10097 10122 10416 10417 10510 10526+ 10670 10671 10900+ 11001 11002 11003 11046 11047a
11047b 11048 11049 11050a 11050b 11051a 11051b 11051c 11094 11104 11119 11171 11172 11173
11174 11175 11307 11354 11355 11356 11357 11358 11359 11459 11460 11462 11465 11518
11519 11520 11521 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11634 11635 11636

Triggers with problems

The following list shows the BATSE trigger numbers which have data problems. Each trigger number can be clicked for an explanation. When a problem occurs for more than one event, each trigger is listed individually. If an event has more than one problem the trigger number will have alphabetic suffices pointing to each explanation separately.

885 2175 2275 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294
3044 3091 3132 3642 3806 3904 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303
4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317a 4317b
4317c 4318a 4318b 4319a 4319b 4320a 4320b 4321a 4321b 4322a 4322b 4323a 4323b 4324a 4324b
4325a 4325b 4326a 4326b 4327a 4327b 4328a 4328b 4329a 4329b 4330a 4330b 4331a 4331b 4332a
4332b 4333a 4333b 4334a 4334b 4335a 4335b 4336a 4336b 4340 5004 5425 5543 5662 5686
5697 5699 5703 6177 6200 6307 6514 6709 6811 6839 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860
6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875
6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6918 6956 7030 7097 7409 7410 7411 7412
7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7451 7452 7453
7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7531 7555 7702 7755 7764 7770 7822 7922 8035

Modification date: 28 Aug, 2018
Author: Valerie Connaughton Responsible Manager: Steve Elrod Site Curator: Valerie Connaughton