Days with problems
The top table shows the truncated Julian date (TJD) for the days on which there were one or more problems with or changes to the BATSE telemetry. Click on any day of interest for an explanation. When a problem or change occurs over more than one day, each day is listed individually except for (i) the clock change which was made on TJD 8798, (ii) the calibration line change for SD 1 which occurred on TJD 10526, and (iii)the gain decay of detector 7 which started on TJD 10900. These three changes apply to data from the day on which they occur until the end of the mission (TJD+) or from the start of the mission until the day of the change (TJD-) and an explanation can be seen by clicking on the featured TJD. If a day has more than one problem or change, it will have alphabetic suffixes pointing to each explanation separately.
Triggers with problems
The following list shows the BATSE trigger numbers which have data problems. Each trigger number can be clicked for an explanation. When a problem occurs for more than one event, each trigger is listed individually. If an event has more than one problem the trigger number will have alphabetic suffices pointing to each explanation separately.
Author: Valerie Connaughton Responsible Manager: Steve Elrod Site Curator: Valerie Connaughton